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  • O’Fallon, M., Alper, R.M., Beiting, M., & Luo, R. (2022). Assessing shared reading in families at risk: Does quantity predict quality? American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(5), 2108-2122.

  • Beiting, M., Alper, R.M., Luo, R., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2022). Keeping the ball rolling: Sustained conversational episodes relate to child language ability. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 31(5), 2186-2194.

  • Beiting, M. (2022). Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech Among Children With Autism: Narrative Review and Clinical Recommendations. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 1-22

  • Beiting, M. & Maas, E. (2021). Autism-Centered Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, 1-17.

  • Alper, R.M., Beiting, M., Luo, R., Jaen, J., Peel, M., Levi, O., Robinson, C., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2021). Change the things you can: Modifiable parent characteristics predict high-quality early language interaction within socioeconomic status. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-13.


  • Beiting, M. & Maas, E. (2020). Autism-Centered Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. Poster presented at the Conference on Motor Speech, Santa Barbara, CA, February 2020.​

  • Maas, E., Caspari, S., Beiting, M., Gildersleeve-Neumann, C., Stoekel, R., Wu, J. (February, 2020). Parent-rated functional outcomes of treatment for childhood apraxia of speech: Preliminary findings from a randomized control trial. Poster presentation at the Conference on Motor Speech, San Diego, CA.

  • Beiting, M., & Maas, E. (November, 2019). Autism-centered therapy for childhood apraxia of speech. Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Orlando, FL.

  • Beiting, M., Mailend, M.-L., Gross, L., & Maas, E. (2018). Development of speech motor control: Evidence from coarticulation in adults, typical, and speech disordered children. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, MA, November 2018.


  • Beiting M., Caspari, S., & McKee, K. (2021, July). Embracing the "New Normal": Strategies for Successful CAS Teletherapy and Telesupervision. [Accepted oral presentation]. Apraxia Kids National Conference, held virtually due to COVID-19.

  • Beiting, M., & Maas, E. (February, 2020). Autism-centered therapy for childhood apraxia of speech. Poster presentation at the Conference on Motor Speech, San Diego, CA.

  • Beiting, M., Alper, R.M., Luo, R., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2019). Variability in Conversational Turns in Children with Typical and Delayed Language from Low-Income Households. Technical presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL, November 2019.​


  • Beiting, M. (July, 2020). Diagnosis and treatment of co-occurring CAS and ASD: Research review and practical tips. Oral presentation in the Apraxia Kids Virtual Education Series. Available from

  • Beiting, M. (April, 2020). Crash course in telepractice: Legal, ethical, and practical considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Oral presentation at the Temple University CSCD Proseminar, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Beiting, M. (September, 2018). Development of speech motor control: Evidence from coarticulation in adults, children with typical speech, and children with speech sound disorders. Oral presentation at the Temple University CSCD Proseminar, Philadelphia, PA. 

  • Beiting, M. & Draine, J. (April, 2018). Incarceration and public health impact. Oral presentation at the Temple University College of Public Health Week Lunch and Learn Series, Philadelphia, PA.

Research: Volunteer Work
Research: Image


Kids with Capes
Image by Anna Kolosyuk



The Impact of Individual-Level Factors on Progress in Speech Therapy for Children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

Beiting (PI), Co-Sponsors: Maas, Coffman, & Iuzzini-Seigel â€‹

This Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award (F31) investigates individual-level baseline factors which may facilitate or impede response to treatment for CAS. We will examine 40 children who previously participated in or are currently participating in treatment for CAS (funded by R01 DC017768; PI: Maas; ID NCT03903120), and examine the relationship between the identified person-level factors and response to treatment as captured by changes in speech accuracy.



Autism-Centered Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (ACT4CAS)

Beiting (PI)


Autism-Centered Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (ACT4CAS)

The First Summers Research Initiative is an internally funded peer-reviewed grant funded by the Graduate School at Temple University. The goal of this student-initiated single case investigation was to examine the effects of ACT4CAS; the first treatment approach designed for children with co-occurring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and childhood apraxia of speech (CAS).


Research: Interests
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